74th Annual Exhibition at New Art Gallery Walsall
To find out how to become a member, or to renew your membership please select the button below.
Walsall Society of Artists is not for profit association, and has been promoting art and artists since 1949. WSA is run by a committee of volunteer artists elected by our artist members. WSA aims to inspire, inform and support artists in the creating/making of art. We do this by promoting the sharing of ideas, techniques and experiences among those interested in making art.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in art, who wishes to join. We hold monthly meetings with demonstrations by visiting artists, lectures, workshops, and social evenings. Non-members, who are interested, may attend any of the activities. WSA other activities include outdoor sketching trips, visits to exhibitions, art venues, and Pop Up Art Markets.
WSA hold regular life drawing classes 7pm – 9pm at: St Mathews Centre, St Mathews Close, Walsall. WS1 3DG